If you can sew, our healthcare workers need masks made.
See mask making page at Chequamegon Bay Community Care for updates.
Written instructions can be seen here for making masks.
Elastic & fabric pick up and finished mask drop-off sites:
Ashland County Courthouse: Located at 201 Main Street West. Please drop off between the hours of 8am-5pm on the first floor on the table located outside the Ashland Extension Office.
City of Washburn: 615 2nd Ave E, Washburn - outside of the entrance to the Bayfield County Sheriff office (located in the Bayfield County Annex building across from the Courthouse).
City of Bayfield: Encore, located at 10 South Broad Street-please leave on the back covered porch.
Finished masks can be dropped off in sealed bag with number of masks, name and contact info to above addresses.
Info on proper use of masks can be found here.
Thank you for your help during these troubling times